You Are God's Beautiful Creation

For You created all things and because of Your will they existed and were created.
You are god's beautiful creation. What has been said by Hamlet is really a great truth. He created the tiny ants as well as beautiful and unique butterflies. Todays readings all focus on our belief that You are a Beautiful Creation Birthed from Gods Love You Are Created Isaiah 4512 NIV It is I the Lord who made the earth and created mankind on it.
Jesus was making a deliberate contrast here between law rules and the way of creation of Gods loving kindness. He made you and I and all of the other people of the world that have come and gone. Shakespeare makes the hero Hamlet of his play Hamlet say what piece of work is a man.
27 - So God created mankind in his own image in the image of God he created them. God does take pleasure in his creation.
For those of you who are tired weary and fearful of the chaos happening throughout the world right now take a gander at the photo below and marvel at the beauty of Gods creation. I was feeling Gods grief about His beautiful people who are lost in sin. My own hands stretched out.
With its useful shrubs herbs plants and flowers. You are His intricate design. GiRlS ArE ThE MoSt bEaUtIfUl cReAtIoN Of GOD.
Women are the final creation of God. 59499 likes 22 talking about this. They are the crowning glory of their Creator.