
What happens when you cross the worlds of celebrity beauty inventive hair care and luxury-meets-drugstore pricing.
Taraji-p-henson-hair-care-line. According to one of Targets latest launches that would be Taraji P. Entrepreneur and Empire star Taraji P. Four women with different curly hair textures try out the full Taraji P Henson hair care line for an entire weekTry the products yourselfRide Or Die.
Henson is coming for our necks in the 2020s with this hair line. The Oscar-nominated actress could never find the right hair products so she created her own. Women think that just because you have your hair braided up under a weaveyou dont.
Feb 03 2020 Taraji P. The new line named TPH by Taraji consists of 18 products with none costing more than 15. If I Didnt Go Into Acting I Wouldve Been a Cosmetologist Taraji P.
I cant say Im surprised shes been one of my personal celebrity hair icons so I was thrilled to learn she was. Henson Tells Us Her Hair Secrets and Why She Has a Meditation Altar When Taraji P. Henson Turned A Beauty Faux Pas Into Targets Hottest New Hair-Care Line.
Henson noticed her scalp wasnt being cared for she took matters into her own hands and concocted products in her kitchen. Henson previously told People that the line is 10 years in the making and began in her kitchen. Henson s hair-care collection.
Henson opens up in an interview about protective styles hair discrimination and her hair care line TPH by Taraji. Formulated with nourishing and natural ingredients that works no matter hair type or texture. Its called TPH by Taraji easy to remember and consists of 18 products for all hair types and textures easy to find something for you.