Explanation Of Poem Beauty By E Yeh Shure

By E-Yeh-Shure What is beauty.
Explanation of poem beauty by e yeh shure. Beauty Class 6 Extra Questions and Answers Long Type Question. Poem 4- Beauty Contents hide 1 Poem 4- Beauty 11 Related posts. Beauty can be heard and seen everywhere we go and can be anything we do.
Explanation of stanza 3. For him beauty is in everything. Now to know more about beauty lets read.
Summary of the poem Beauty by E-Yeh-Shure. She was born in Isleta Pueblo New Mexico on September 9 1926. The poet says that beauty is there in everything.
In each stanza the poet describes one type of beauty. It can be seen it can be heard and it can be felt. In 1939 when she was only thirteen years old E-Yeh-Shure published her first book I am a Pueblo Indian Girl with the help of her father.
She was an Author Poet and Educator. Beauty is seen In the sunlight The trees the birds Corn growing and people working Or dancing for their harvest. Beauty is in yourself.
Sunlight trees and birds in corn growing. We neednt go in search of beauty. STANZA ONE 1 The poet says that the real beauty can be seen in the.